Primary Ballet I & II |
| Our ballet classes offered begin with Primary Ballet I and continues through the leveled Ballet I-II classes. Students will be introduced to traditional ballet positions and correct ballet terminology. The emphasis of the program is instruction on proper ballet technique and execution. The ballet students progress through a structured set of classes designed to improve grace, flexibility, strength, and fitness.
| Click here to register for primary ballet classes today.
Ballet I & II |
| As there are concerns with growth and development issues, as well as safety for young dancers, pointe classes will be offered at the discretion of the instructor, for the student 12 years and older with a minimum of three years of ballet training. Pointe students must also be enrolled in a ballet class at the same time as their enrollment in the pointe class. Our school highly recommends ballet classes be taken in conjunction with other classes as they build a strong technique foundation. (1 hr. weekly)
| Click here to register for ballet classes today.